Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Go to Bed…

I have posted so much this week.

No one should complain, because posting more is never a bad thing.

I hope.

This is going to be a short post because I should be reading about Comparative Politics, Economics, and what have you.  So we’re going to keep it short and sweet.

Also I am going to bed soon.

This past week, early classes have required me to go to bed earlier and impose upon myself a new sleeping schedule vastly different from my summer one.  My summer schedule included weekdays staying up until around 3 and waking up at 11, and on weekends staying up until about 2 or 3 and waking up at 7, because my mother was home and sleeping in is absolutely unacceptable.  In face, sleeping until 7 is time wasted.

Now that I have gotten to school and realized that there is NO way I will do well in an 8 am class unless I make myself sleep at a decent time, I have taken to disciplining myself and imposing at least 8 hour sleep times.  This means when I have a class at 8 am, I usually go to bed at 10:30, etc.  This has actually been wonderful.

Sure, I lose a lot of XBox time, but to be honest I feel so much better now that I go to sleep and wake up at decent times.  Hell, I even eat breakfast.  Other college students will laugh, and badger me for not living like a college student, being sleep deprived, and getting not so hot grades, but whatever.  Last year I stayed up way too late every single night.  I will not do that again.

This has got to be one of my worst written posts as most of the sentences are incomplete thoughts as I ramble and sleep begins to take me.

Go to bed.

But first watch this video…


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