Thursday, February 18, 2010

Julie and Julia Review

Last night/this morning between the hours of 10pm and 2am (due to a roommate induced subway run) I watched Julie and Julia. I must say, the film was outstanding and I can see why Meryl Streep has raked in the rewards for it. I must admit I'm biased as Meryl Streep is one of my favorite actresses, up there with Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Glenn Close, and Angela Lansbury. I'll have none of these young actresses who only get by because of their looks; real women who are actors because they can act. Period.

I really respect Meryl Streep not only because she can act, but because of her demeanor. She is very refined and very professional which is hard to find in the acting world. She'll have none of these sparking, gaudy outfits that people wear to awards; no, she shows up in formal black attire and does not giggle like a schoolgirl at every little thing.

In addition, she is extremely humble. I remember watching the Golden Globes which was where she raked in the awards (as usual) and I really enjoyed her acceptance speech which included the comment, "In my long career, I have played so many extraordinary women that I, basically, am getting mistaken for one." Streep makes quite the impression. It is very interesting that even as one of the highest grossing actresses in Hollywood, she can still remain humble and not be sucked into it all.

So now that I've had my Streep fangirl moment, I want to encourage people to go out and rent this movie, maybe even buy because it is that good. Even if you're not into cooking, or anything of that nature, it is still definitely worth watching (take it from someone who never cooks).

I just realized I haven't said a thing about the plot.

So I'm going to slack. There's the plot in case you somehow were asleep the month before the movie came out. Enjoy.

(The trailer and move Julie and Julia in no way belong to me and all rights go to their respective owners.)

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