Sunday, March 14, 2010

As Spring Break comes to an end, I find myself saddened. There is no doubt that much of my Spring Break was spent sitting on a couch, doing absolutely nothing, bored out of my mind. But I found the retreat from my monotonous life at college enthusing. I am in no way looking forward to the work waiting for me once I arrive back, the work that has stacked up mostly due to my own procrastination. Yes, skipping much of my classes the week before Spring Break was not altogether wise.

I have a speech in Business and Professional Speaking due Thursday which I have been putting off writing simply due to the sheer annoyance of writing a speech for a class I find less than college level. On most occasions, such an easy class would be a delight. However, this teacher stresses far too much on the values of writing out EVERYTHING you are going to say in the speech beforehand and NEVER deviating from the outline. I'm sorry, but improvisation is the essence of a good speech.

Speaking involves keeping your audience enthused. If you do not tailor your speech to your audience they will quickly lose interest. That deserves a failing grade. Memorizing a speech word for word and practicing in front of a mirror twenty times in no way causes me to give a better speech. Rather, it makes the speech monotonous and makes it sound like it is simply being recited... which it is.

I fear if I choose to give a good speech I will fin myself with a terrible grade because my speech will be above the expected level. The depressing fact is that this is an honors class of all things! Pathetic! Ugh! I'm disgusted. I took a speech class to fulfill my General Education requirement while I was still in High School at the local Community College; IT WAS HARDER THAN THIS HONORS CLASS AT A STATE UNIVERSITY! *sigh*

My stubborn nature drives me to give a speech to the best of my ability; forget juvenile guidelines and trivial rules! I never much cared for doing work to please a teacher so that I may receive a good grade anyway. I suppose this shall be no different.

As I write this I sit at the airport amidst some very tired people (including myself). I must say, taking the earliest available flight on the time change was not the smartest idea and I do not recommend such to anyone.

My apologies for the three week give or take absence. I blame Spring Break. I didn't want to do ANYTHING.

Best wishes and I shall post more often,
Miranda LV

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