Thursday, July 29, 2010

New Angles

These titles suck, I know.  That Miranda, no creativity when it comes to this at all.  And she promised to keep up with this!  LIES!

There’s a month left of summer and it’s about this point where I come to that sliver of time between where “I cannot wait until summer ends or I will die of boredom” and the time of “Oh hell, I have to organize and pack up in less than a month, and Imma miss my mommeh, and I have to work, and go to class, and oh hell eighteen hours of PAIN, and it’s already my Junior year, hell, I’m a senior next year… and then real life *sigh*” panic attacks.  Around this time I also realize all those resolutions for summer, never did them, none of them. 

For those who don’t know, I’m currently a Journalism major who’s own lack of expectations makes it so that I can never see myself actually writing for anyone.  This roadblock has kept me from being able to write anything of substance and length ever.  The cycle usually goes something like this:  Oh great idea!  *sits down and writes down idea* *thinks about idea* *fleshes out some characters* *starts writing main events of story* *perfectionism and critical side kicks in and says, “Oh no, all of this is wrong, that doesn’t make sense, that will never work”* *critical side takes over and trashes all work done because no one wants to read this crap* *depressed for a bit* *new idea* and so on.

It’s tiresome and it wears on me a lot.  Identifying a few main issues, one of the big ones is that it’s incredibly difficult to make myself even right the first word.  Something’s always there stopping me, a distraction, whatever I can fathom to keep myself from writing the first word.  My solution:  I need to commit myself to a routine; this will be my routine.

I am going to post here every weekday, no matter how late, short, or terrible it may be and I’m going to start today.  We’re going to call it… Well I don’t have a name yet, but I’m going to think of one between now and next week, or maybe tonight.

We’re going to start with something easy.  Often times I post to my Facebook and tweet interesting links and info I find, the character limit sucks anyway, so I’m going to do it here from now on.

Alright, expect a post later… Dinner time.

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